Friday 4 October 2019


We woke up this morning to clear blue skies and SUN! It was only three degrees but after three weeks of rain and snow we were ecstatic. So much so that we stayed an extra day in Thunder Bay. The Mills Block Forest looked interesting for a hike so we headed there. The trail passes through some serious wetlands which looked pretty nice in the morning sunshine.
It didn't take long until I was up to my knee in the swamp. Those logs they placed over the water that flooded the path are damned slippery. Look ma - a soaker.
There was a loop trail branching off the main path. It meandered through the woods. Just because today was nice and sunny that did not undo the damage inflicted by three weeks of rain and snow. Nothing like wet leaves on a boggy mess of mud covered with huge rocks and numerous roots.
By noon it was seven degrees so we decided to have a picnic in the park. I'm sure our sons have mixed emotions and memories of road trip lunches. None of this McDonald's stuff - a dry as sand sandwich and a stolen apple from breakfast makes for a perfect mid-day repast. One of many beautiful city parks has a fountain originally found in England in 1790. Hard not to enjoy this after the weather we've been having.
Adjacent to the park was a building I found quite captivating. It is the Law School of Lakehead University. The kids coming out of there are going to save the world. We can hope can't we?
A quick visit to Centennial Park concluded our day. Hope this weather carries over to tomorrow. We're on the road again.

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