Friday 20 September 2024

DAY 4 - Friday, September 20

Another sweet day. We just wrapped things up and the weather changed - hail and rain. I guess we were lucky it wasn't snow because it was pretty cool. We were decked out in touques, gloves and vests by the end of our day. 

We wanted to check out the archery championships (after all, they filled up out hotel so there must be something to this) but sadly it was not meant to be as they are still training and practising for the big show tomorrow and no spectators were allowed. As luck would have it, we're heading out in the morning tomorrow.

On to Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park. An odd choice for a French/Metis area of Canada, nevertheless a hike in the park was quite lovely. The Boardwalk Loop Trail sounded innocent enough; a 1.2 kilometre (we wanted to start slowly) loop trail. A few problems with that. The boardwalk was a dilapidated 100 yard death trap of cracked and broken boards crossing a swampy bog. It never was a loop trail nor was it 1.2 kilometres. I measured it and it was 5 kilometres. Even if we did make our own adventure, no part of the trail is 1.2 kilometres. All was vindicated because it was a very pretty hike.

the drive in to the trail

boardwalk loop trail

We got to a point where we did not know for certain which of three options to take. I checked my phone and it did an admirable job of guiding us along the road. I must say I was confused and somewhat uneasy when it pointed out a point on the map and indicated "your car is parked here". I didn't know that so how is this possible?

The French community of Plamondon holds a hidden treasure in its Memory Lane Heritage Park. It was closed for the season (I wonder why I started saying this was a sweet day) but we managed to peer through the chainlink fence to get an idea of this accomplishment. Built entirely by local volunteers the miniature village is very impressive and well done. Just watch out for those giant wagons and vintage cars.

Our last stop for the day was the Lac La Biche Mission. We passed the sign on the highway and decided to check it out. While I took photos of the church Karen, of course, wandered the cemetery learning more about the area. The onsite museum was closed when we were there.

Tomorrow should prove interesting; other than heading west we don't know where we will settle. Nothing is booked until Tuesday so we'll roll the dice and hope for the best. Stay with us, it'll be fun.    😎

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