Saturday 5 October 2024

Day 19 - Saturday, October 5

The sunset last night in Drumheller was hopefully an omen for a great day today (despite the awful parking lot/residential view). It was.

It was a long drive so we stopped half way in Vulcan. Gee, what should we expect here?

After eating our road trip lunch we headed out and stopped to have a chat with this little guy.

After about three hours of Saskatchewan-like prairies the landscape started rolling again as we headed back into the mountains.

Crowsnest Pass in/near Waterton Lakes National Park will be our home for the next three days.

We have left the hotels behind and settled into a housekeeping cabin in the mountain woods.

There is a bit of highway noise as the trucks grind their way up the hill on the nearby road but the isolation and solitude of the cabin trumps (oh, what a horrible word) everything else. Stay with us - it should be fun.


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