Wednesday 9 October 2024

Day 23 - Wednesday, October 9

We didn't want to leave our cabin in the woods so we waited until the last minute at 11AM. Words cannot express how wonderful the Wolf's Den has been. Loved it!

The balance of the day was a drive to Medicine Hat. I am in constant awe of how much and how fast the landscape/topography changes. We left the mountains behind quickly and within 5 minutes were back into the prairie terrain. The rest of the drive was like this. Not too exciting but we made the best of it.

We made one stop, at about the half way point, in Taber, a small agricultural town. My reason was somewhat meet with a guy Karen and I went to high school with - haven't seen or corresponded with him in over 50 years. We met at McDonald's and were about to get a coffee but decided to wait until our classmate showed up. He arrived with his wife shortly after we got there. In that short interval about 200 kids showed up...2 full school buses and several cars. Coffee will have to wait until we get to the hotel.

Murray, Rick and Steve, I was going to make you try and guess who it is but I would not have had any idea so I'll be kind. Cliff Kenyon, retired and enjoying life.

Tomorrow we'll see what Medicine Hat has to offer.   ðŸ˜Ž



  1. Of course I remember Cliff. A very nice guy as I recall.

  2. I also remember Cliff. Pretty sure he played bass in a rock band. Good times! Glad to see he’s enjoying retirement. Eric your first photo in this posting is “super”.
