Thursday 12 October 2017

A Great Canadian Road Trip 10

Today was primarily a driving day and we had decent weather at about 5 degrees. The highlight was as we passed Mary's Harbour the gravel/dirt road ended and we drove onto beautiful fresh pavement. After about 800 kms over 4 days this was an unexpected joy. Having left Port Hope Simpson I let out an exuberant Whoo-Hoo!!!
As the day progressed it was as if we had entered another country. Gone was the expanse of coniferous forests, replaced by open vistas and mountains. We are in West St. Modeste and will be here until we leave for the ferry to Newfoundland on Monday. There is lots to see and do both north and south of here and we selected this spot because the "resort" has us housed in a 2 bedroom cottage.
West St. Modeste
Stay tuned.
Eric and Karen

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