Monday, 9 October 2017

A Great Canadian Road Trip 7

Well, the good news is it was sunny and 20 degrees today, I'm sorry but I expected my ideal year-round temperature of 3 to 17 degrees. It was pretty though.
Another 300 kms of gravel - that's not really accurate - gravel is great - there was all of about 3 kms of that today - the rest was the standard dirt riddled with potholes. More metal and rust have fallen off the van - nothing we need yet.
There was construction today as well. That cost us a combined total of about 10 minutes - far preferable to any 400 series highway in Ontario. I need one of these trucks - their tires are so big,  potholes don't exist.
A 100 km side trip to Pinsents Arm was surprisingly relaxing as the road was good comparatively speaking.
We changed over to Newfoundland time somewhere today. My watch is of no use now - way too much math for me.
Eric and Karen

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