Tuesday, 10 September 2019


It has rained ALL day. That makes it very difficult to do anything so a drive through Whiteshell Provincial Park seemed about the only thing we could do. Either that or spend all day in the cabin. The park is pretty but not nearly as much on a day like today. This is basically the view we saw throughout the day.
We packed a picnic lunch - lucky thing because we didn't see anything open. The park is full of resorts - a term applied rather liberally. Lots of nice little picnic areas.
We'll sadly be leaving the Falcon Beach Ranch tomorrow morning. It has been wonderful. The cabin is perfect and Devin and Kendra are doing his parents proud running the ranch next generation. This would be a wonderful place to be around Christmas with the kids and grandkids. The horseback trail rides take the form of sleigh rides and sound like they'd be a lot of fun.

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