Saturday, 8 September 2018

Tuk Trip - Day 15 - on to Haida Gwaii

     There actually is a 3:45 in the morning - and not a whole lot is going on then. We had a 4:30 cab pick up arranged but somehow I knew when we booked it I'd end up chasing someone. He didn't show up until 10 to 5 - our flight leaves at 6. It was the shortest, stupidest cab ride we've ever had but the terrain between our hotel and the airport across the highway would have destroyed the wheels on our suitcases before we got to check in. One bag is 53 pounds.
     The Whiteheads have celebrity status at the Whitehorse airport, especially in Baggage. Everyone was all smiles when they saw our name, one woman leaning to another and saying, "You know about them don't you?" Crystal had left instructions not to charge us for any baggage. All voiced their hopes that we get our bag back soon.
     The Priority Lounge in the Vancouver Airport made our 5 hour layover enjoyable. We arrived in Sandspit at 3 o'clock. Our hotel is right next door and connected by a nice paved walkway. They are expecting a major storm tonight which will likely affect ferry service - both the one we need to get to Queen Charlotte tomorrow and the one our friends are arriving on from Prince Rupert. Once again we're going to have to wait and see.
sometimes you have to go a little out of your way for a sunrise
early lunch in the lounge
no fear of nosebleeds here - check that elevation
that's our hotel in the background - no cab required

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