Wednesday 1 May 2024

May 1, 2024 Day 2

Many of us remember a favourite high school teacher but few of us have kept in touch with them for that 50+ years since graduation. With an approximate 30 year gap immediately following leaving high school, my English teacher, Mr. Ken Reeder and I re-connected. He was an inspiration to me and is probably one of the main reasons I am a writer today.

We were fortunate spending the better part of the day getting a personalized tour of UBC from Ken. It's an amazing campus, not to mention huge. 

BC provincial flower the dogwood

Several of the buildings made use of BC forest products incorporating the big wood instead of concrete and steel for supporting trusses and beams. 

the reconciliation pole

Blue Whale skeleton from PEI

the Learning Centre had a very Medieval look to it in my mind

Ken treated us to a marvelous lunch at the University Golf Club.
Kudos and a huge shout out to Ken Reeder for a fabulous day!

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