Sunday 12 May 2024

May 12, 2024 - Day 13

 I'll begin by wishing a very Happy Mother's Day to one and all. We have been looking forward to this part of the trip very much as we will be spending 3 nights with our friends Dave and Christy. Dave, Karen and I went to high school together so that's a friendship forged in time. I know I've said it in my journal numerous times, so now on the blog Old Friends Are The Best Friends...and that has nothing to do with chronological age.

The drive to their beautiful home in Rose Lake was enjoyable as all legs of this journey have been so far. We left 100 Mile House around noon but had to visit the town murals first. I find that a fascinating part of Canadiana.

We see so little wildlife when we travel it's always a thrill when it happens - even if it's in a residential area, as was the case here in 108 Mile House.

The 108 Mile House Heritage Site is another wonderful Gold Rush tale come to life. These locations make learning fun even if you're not a history buff.

We arrived in Rose Lake at Dave and Christy's place about mid-afternoon. What a beautiful spot! This is their view down to the lake. Karen and Christy got caught up while Dave and I did the same.

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