Saturday 25 May 2024

May 25, 2024 - Day 26

We had a very nice day spoiled only by the fact that it is getting very close to our last. One more stop tomorrow then on to Vancouver to fly home on Tuesday. The Okanagan Valley is gorgeous. We're a little early for the wine. Harvest is still a few months away. Nevertheless, it's an awesome view.

The Myra Canyon trestles occupy a restored railway area on the current rails to trails network It was pretty windy and cool but the views were rather nice. The whole trail is way too long (somewhere around 30 km) so we walked about two hours which was somewhere around 8 km. 

The trestles are the main attraction but there's a tunnel as well. Why does everyone yell in a tunnel? Must be the echo. None are immune. I shouted very loudly, "Train!"

Despite the cold it was a gorgeous day...

...however, we left just in time as the rains came.

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