Wednesday 15 May 2024

May 15, 2024 - Day 16

 After a fabulous waffle and bacon breakfast we left Dave and Christy's just after 10AM. On the road again...a great song and even better sentiment marred today by what can only be described as crappy weather. For the first time this trip it rained the entire time we were driving. I'm guessing there were some gorgeous views out there amongst the rain, cloud and mist.

We landed at the Siesta Inn in Vanderhoof (I'm not making these names up). It is so dated it's cool. Definitely reminds me of Route 66. 

We were alone when we arrived...sadly that ended rather quickly.

We have had a couple of stays on this trip where the deadbolt lock on the door did not work. So imagine my surprise when I saw this indescribable system. I have stayed in hundreds of hotels and motels over the last 60+ years and have never seen anything like this. As I said...Route 66.

The motel comes with an unexpected bonus. There is a train that I swear runs through the back of our room bringing with it an unbelievably loud horn and a rumbling not unlike a 5 on the Richter scale earthquake. That should disrupt my sleep faster and more frequently than my crushing calf cramps.

Stay with us, we're still having a ball.

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